Thursday, November 19, 2009

No Condemnation

Sometimes I feel guilty.

Do You?

I mean when things are hard,like the current economic situation most of us are in, being a stay-at-home mom feels kinda weird.

I have worked since I was 15 years old until this past year. God revealed to me that my responsibility was to be a mom to my child.

That's it.

God wants me to teach Austin the ways of righteousness and be available to him with my undivided attention. Believe it or not, this is the hardest job I have ever had. It is, however, the only job I have ever desired. That is, since becoming a mother. It just never seemed possible.

When resources are scarce, it takes a lot of faith to stay at home day after day knowing that if I went out and got a job, relief would be in sight. But, when I even so much as entertain the thought, my peace begins to drift away.

Letting peace be my know...allowing the presence of peace to call the shots, has been the guiding light for me. It has never led me wrong so far. No peace equals no moving on my part.

Really, it has been rather enlightening to trust God utterly and completely for every single need our family has. My husband works hard daily to provide for us, but we have learned that God alone is our provider and He will NEVER fall short!

Sometimes we are just to stay where God has put us until we receive different directions. Even when it gets trying. Even when we get tempted to take things into our own hands and solve the problems. Even when we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Where has God placed you? Has He called you to be in a specific place right now that you are unsure of? Are you having to rely on Him for everything?

If that is where you are, then you are in the right place.

That's where He wants us; totally dependent on Him and Him only.

It's truly a good place to be. Excitement comes when we wake up every morning and expectantly wait to see what He has in store for us today! It is amazing to see what He does when we give it all to Him. When we loosen our grip on life and He holds the reigns, wonderful blessings are showered on us!

On those days when I get overwhelmed and discouraged, just one look into my child's eyes confirms to me that I am surely in the right place at the appointed time. All the "I love you, mom" and "You're the best" statements from that little dimpled smile say it all.

Guilt is not something that God sends our way. Conviction is. I was convicted of being a too-busy parent. I obeyed. God has provided. No guilt necessary!

Today, bloom where He has planted you. Trust Him with the details. He NEVER fails.

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