Welcome once again to our special Saturday Soaking in God's Word. I'm so glad you joined me today!
This week, I have faced a varying schedule. I am usually pretty routine about how I spend my days; Certain days for certain things. Don't misunderstand, though. I am about as unsystematic as they come, but I basically do the same thing every week, in a very chaotic way! Go figure.
I had a rare opportunity Thursday to spend the day with a dear friend. I even got another friend to babysit! Talk about rare. That is something I NEVER do. Taking time for myself is a rarity.
The time my friend and I relished together was so refreshing. Over lunch, we had a conversation concerning our tendency to get blown out of the water when things don't go according to our "plan for the day". One little unexpected bump in our schedule can get us in a tizzy. Funny for two Christian women who completely trust the Lord and His wisdom, isn't it?
Do you ever find yourself feeling that way? I think most people do. Probably we women most of all.
God has laid on my heart this week to pour over Psalm 34 on a daily basis. I have read it several times each day. God has given me much insight through those words. Today, on this Saturation Saturday, I will post them here for you, also, to be drenched in.
Does your schedule leave you feeling dry? Do you lean on God when things go askew? Do you stop and give Him praise in the midst of the chaos? Steep your dehydrated self in His Words. Let Him speak to your spirit. Dive in with me:
Psalm 34 (AMP)
v1) I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
(Even when things get all thrown off schedule)
v2) My life makes it's boast in the Lord; let the humble and afflicted hear and be glad.
(I will bless Him in my coming and in my going as an example of His goodness)
v3) O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.
( Let's praise Him together in every circumstance!!)
v4) I sought (inquired of) the Lord required Him [of necessity and on the authority of His word], and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
(I boldly speak with the authority of His word out of my need for Him and He acknowledges my faith!)
v7) The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him [who revere and worship Him with awe] and each of them He delivers.
(He is always with me, even when I don't see Him working. He is standing in the gap for me!)
v8) O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is Good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.
( People will see me as blessed and joyous! They will desire what I possess! I lean on His wisdom every day and he frees me from distress!)
v9) O fear the Lord, you His saints, [revere and worship Him]! For there is NO WANT to those who truly revere and worship Him with Godly fear.
(I will want for nothing if my desire is for Him above all else!)
v14) Depart from evil and do good; seek, inquire for, and crave peace and pursue (go after) it!
( I will go about my day serving others in His name; Thirsting for His peace and His provision. He will fill me!)
v17) When the righteous cry out for help, the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their distress and troubles.
( How cool and awesome is that!!!)
v18) The Lord is close to those who are of a broken heart and saves such as are crushed with sorrow for sin and are humbly and thoroughly penitent.
( My God forgives me of my faults and heals me when I am broken before Him.)
v19) Many evils confront the [consistently] righteous, but the Lord delivers Him out of them all.
( I am not promised a life of ease, but I am promised deliverance by a God of mercy!)
v22) The Lord redeems the lives of His servants, and none of those who take refuge and trust in Him shall be condemned or held guilty.
( Once again...how cool and awesome is that? SELAH)
I pray you will have a Saturday submerged in His love and His grace! Do something radical today...get out of your comfort zone. He is right beside you and wants to lead you to undiscovered places! Dive in!
Love and Blessings,
What a beautiful blog. Thanks so much for those encouraging words today and the beautiful scripture to go along with those words. I am also so grateful that you stopped by my blog and that my 2 a.m. drama touched your heart. :) I am praying for you and look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future!
Blessings to you,
Oh how I can relate to chaos and just the littlest thing can send me too into a tizzy! Although it is now Sunday night and I am headed to bed, I am going to let Psalm 34 saturate my thoughts! What a wonderful way to end the weekend and start the work week!
Just loved this friend. You have such a gift with His word. Would you believe that this year my husband and I received Psalm 34:8 "Taste and see.." two times each within 48 hours of each other. Pretty cool, though we are still learning to trust. We are enjoying His presence and taste his precious blessings each and every day.
Love you girl!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind words of support and encouragement. I love your blog. Beautiful words from your heart. How is Merissa's mom doing? Praying for her recovery. Also loved your garden too! Where we are in NC we are desperate for some rain.
God Bless,
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