Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just Plain Tired

My mom left to go back to her home at the beach this morning. She has been staying with us for 2 weeks so she could help out with little baby Merissa. (Read previous post if you haven't met Merissa).

I started missing my "mommy" the minute she pulled out of my driveway. But, my dad was missing her, too. Hence the trip back home!

Merissa's Mom, Andrea had to have more surgery this morning. This is the third one in two weeks. She has fluid and infection in her brain and the doctors had to insert a tube to drain the fluid. Please keep her in your prayers.

For most of the day after my mom left I found myself barely able to hold my eyes open. I did have to work in my salon today, but only had two customers this afternoon, so I plopped down on the couch for the rest of the time.

Austin is a little under the weather today due to some allergy issues, so he was quite willing to just lie down beside me on the sofa. What bliss it was to snooze away together under a big soft blanket!

I can hardly remember when he was as small as Merissa. No matter how grown up he gets, he will always be my little baby. I feel the same way about Chase, now 18, but can't tell him that or I will get that notorious eye-roll thingy most teenagers are famous for.

Hopefully, I will wake up tomorrow with a big burst of energy. I want to drive to my cousin's house for a visit. I really need a "Merissa Fix". I didn't see her all day today. I feel kinda deprived.

I'm off to grab still more of that much-needed slumber, this time in my comfy bed next to my comfy husband.

Praise God for all the willing snuggle buddies I have been blessed with!

Stay tuned for more "Not-So-Normal Stories Form The LaPradd Abode".

Love and Blessings,


Kathy Schwanke said...

Hi Starr, I lifted a prayer for Andrea. May Jehovah Rapha pour out His healing love upon her and restore her to her family.

Thanks for visiting me.

Your vacation from mother madness sounds like it was a blessing! May you keep riding the wave of resting in the Lord!

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Hi there,

What ever has happened with Andrea? Fluid and infection in the brain! I've never heard of such a thing from child bearing. I am praying for her healing.

I will also pray for strength for the rest of your family. Isn't it amazing how much strength and comfort you can get from your Mom even at this age! I love my Mom, too.

Have a blessed and restful weekend.

Starr LaPradd said...

Thanks ladies for the prayers for Andrea. Things look grim, but we are hoping against all odds for the healing power of God to take over and restore her to complete health.
Just keep lifting her, Timmy and little Merissa up to the Throne if you don't mind. I'd appreciate it and I know they will also.
Love and Blessings,

koinonia community said...

Our God is a God of miracles. I am praying for a miracle.